Friday, December 25, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

多谢师傅指导: 无论是中华武术, 南拳北退, 太极推手, 日本空手道, 韩国跆拳道, 泰国搏击术, 马来武术...只要是能攻击到人的身体各部位, 就是一套好的拳术, 多谢师傅您如此能对我看得开.
我练过七星螳螂拳, 觉得够快够狠, 进也打, 退也打,真奥妙,可是近打部分就不好使了...
我学过太极拳...够柔够劲, 四两拨千斤, 再大的力道也能化解, 就可惜对手太快时就用不上了...
我学过少林拳...够准够力, 无坚不摧, 只要遇上对手, 就是打不放, 可是在阳刚都好. 体力也会有耗尽的一天...
我学过跆拳道, 拳打脚踢, 非常实际, 就不知为什么, 遇上好打近身战的人, 我就束手无策了...
我想学咏春拳, 可是发现原来咏春遇上远打高手, 就完蛋了...

终于我发现, 最好的拳术, 不是在于谁能化解谁, 而是在于谁的造诣较高, 最重要, 手够硬, 脚够快, 要够力, 眼够明, 耳够灵...

武术 的 武 字 其实是两个字组合而成的, 他们就是 "止""戈", 也就是停止战争的意思...练武术, 要修武德, 点到为止, 千万不可致人于死地, 不可争强好胜, 不能争勇斗武, 打打杀杀, 侮辱了武术的崇尚品德, 每次去观赛, 看到练跆拳道的朋友, 会因为输给对方,痛骂污语, 没有教养, 有些人输了还会坚强的祝福对方, 好有体育精神, 更惨的是有些人以为自己很好打, 天天到处炫耀, 可谓" 出生之牛不怕虎 " 还没遇上真正的高手就自夸自擂...

哈哈, 不是说我要针对那些人, 就好像每次去补习, 看到有一群bagan jaya的跆拳道, 空手道 的师兄们, 都喜欢用眼睛瞪人, 有些还不识货, 问起来, 原来他们是红带大哥, 我是黑带小子, 哈哈.....有时候, 有些人以为自己是能打, 敢敢去惹黑道, 他们没想到后果...你能一对三, 可是能一对十吗? 能对枪吗? 哈哈, 冲动的勇敢, 叫有勇, 冲动的没想, 叫无谋...就是有勇无谋....

Karate (空手), is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa) from indigenous fighting methods te ( literally: "hand") and Chinese kenpō.[1][2] Karate is characterised as a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands (karate chop). Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles.

Karate developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom prior to its 19th century annexation by Japan. It was brought to the Japanese mainland in the early 20th century during a time of cultural exchanges between the Japanese and the Ryukyuans. In 1922 the Japanese Ministry of Education invited Gichin Funakoshi to Tokyo to give a karate demonstration. Keio University became the first Japanese university to open a dojo; by 1932, all Japanese universities had dojo. In this era, the name karate (wikt:唐手Chinese hand) was changed to karate (wikt:空手 empty hand) to indicate that the Japanese wished to develop the combat form in Japanese style. After the second world war, Okinawa became an important United States military site and karate became popular among servicemen stationed there.

The martial arts movies of the 1960s and 1970s served to greatly increase its popularity, and the word karate began to be used in a generic way to refer to all striking-based Oriental martial arts. Karate schools began appearing across the world, catering to those with casual interest as well as those seeking a deeper study of the art.

Shigeru Egami, Chief Instructor of Shotokan Dojo, opined "that the majority of followers of karate in overseas countries pursue karate only for its fighting techniques...Movies and television...depict karate as a mysterious way of fighting capable of causing death or injury with a single blow...the mass media present a pseudo art far from the real thing." Shoshin Nagamine said "Karate may be considered as the conflict within oneself or as a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training and one's own creative efforts."

For many practitioners, karate is a deeply philosophical practice. Karate-do teaches ethical principles and can have spiritual significance to its adherents. Gichin Funakoshi ("Father of Modern Karate") titled his autobiography Karate-Do: My Way of Life in recognition of the transforming nature of karate study.

Today karate is practiced for self-perfection, for cultural reasons, for self-defense and as a sport. In 2005, in the 117th IOC (International Olympic Committee) voting, karate did not receive the necessary two thirds majority vote to become an Olympic sport. Web Japan (sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) claims there are 23 million karate practitioners worldwide. A karate practitioner is called a karateka.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. It is the world's most popular martial art in terms of the number of practitioners. Gyeorugi, a type of sparring, has been an Olympic event since 2000.

In Korean, tae means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon means "to strike or break with fist"; and do means "way" or "method"; so "taekwondo" is loosely translated as "the way of the foot and fist" or "the way of kicking and punching".

Taekwondo's popularity has resulted in the varied development of the martial art into several domains: as with many other arts, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation and philosophy. Taekwondo is also used by the South Korean military as part of its training.

Formally, there are two main styles of taekwondo. One comes from the Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi which is now an event at the summer Olympic Games and which is governed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The other comes from the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF). There is also a more recent form called Songham Taekwondo or the American Taekwondo Association (ATA) and other variations of it such as STF (Songham Taekwondo Federation) and WTTU (World Traditional Taekwondo Union).[3]

Separate from the various taekwondo organizations, there have been two general branches of taekwondo development: traditional and sport. The term "traditional taekwondo" typically refers to the martial art as it was established in the 1950s and 1960s; in particular, the names and symbolism of the traditional patterns often refer to elements of Korean history. Sport taekwondo has evolved in the decades since then and has a somewhat different focus, especially in terms of its emphasis on speed and competition (as in Olympic sparring), whereas traditional taekwondo tends to emphasize power and self-defense. The two are not mutually exclusive, and the distinctions between them are often blurred.

Although there are doctrinal and technical differences between the two main styles and among the various organizations, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm). The greatest difference between various styles, or at least the most obvious, is generally accepted to be the differing styles and rules of sport and competition. Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks. Some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as Hapkido and Judo.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009


传 化 七 八 八 八 勇 智
扬 解 长 刚 打 式 挡 捕 螳
百 乃 和 十 八 十 庄 金 螂
世 国 八 二 不 二 公 翼 颂
芳 术 短 柔 打 决 车 蝉


现在我们毕业了, 我们手里拿得文凭却不是槟州武术总会批准的,而是槟州武术总会与槟州体育部公认的,我们是槟州体育会的初级教练,国语称majlis sukan negeri pulau pinang(msnpp), 记得不是你们常听说的msspp...那个是majlis sukan seberang perai pulau pinang...哈哈, 自己也觉得自己有点lapu! paiseh paiseh!



长拳,中国拳派之一。查拳、花拳、炮捶、红 拳均属长拳之列。古代也有专称长拳的拳种。现代新编长拳是中华人民共和国建立后发展起来的一个拳种,在武术运动中影响较大,有广泛的群众基础。现代长拳吸 取了查、花、炮、红诸拳种之长,把长拳类型的手法、手型、步型、步法、腿法、平衡、跳跃等动作规格化,按照长拳运动方法编成各种拳械套路。它的特点是姿势 舒展大方,动作灵活快速,出手长,跳得高,蹦得远,刚柔相济,快慢相间,动迅静定,节奏分明。是全国武术表演和比赛项目之一。长拳适合于青少年练习。从编 排上看,它既有适合于基础训练的一面,又有适合于竞赛、提高的一面。它的内容包括拳、掌、钩三种手型,弓、马、仆、虚、歇五种步型,还有一定数量的拳法、 掌法、肘法和伸屈、直摆、扫转、击响等不同组别的腿法及平衡、跳跃、跌仆、滚翻动作。长拳在技术上有八点要求:①姿势。头正,颈直,沉肩,挺胸,直腰,敛 臀,上肢舒展、挺拔,下肢稳定、匀称。②动作。在做踢、打、摔、拿等技击动作时,起止点、路线、力点都要清晰。③身法。要把躯干活动和吞、吐、闪、展、 冲、撞、挤、靠等攻防变化紧密结合起来。④眼法。要做到手眼相随,手到眼到,通过眼神把一招一式的内在意识充分表达出来。⑤精神。要全神贯注,表现出勇 敢、机敏、无所畏惧的气概。⑥劲力。要有刚有柔,要刚而不僵,柔而不松,刚柔相济,发劲时有爆发力;要以意识支配动作发力,并以气息配合,做到内外合一。 ⑦呼吸。讲究提、托、聚、沉四法。跳跃时用提法,静止性动作用托法,刚劲性动作用聚法,由高到低的动作用沉法。⑧节奏性。在演练中,快与慢、动与静、刚与 柔、起与伏等多种矛盾的对比越鲜明,越突出,节奏性越强。长拳动作舒展,关节活动范围较大,对肌肉和韧带的柔韧性、弹性都有较高要求。同时,由于长拳动作 大多是用大肌肉群来进行活动的,要求肌肉活动量大而且迅速,需氧量较大,因此对提高心肺功能也有良好作用。

该拳的特点是在出手或出腿时以放长击远为 主,其动作撑长舒展、筋顺骨直,有时在出拳时还配合拧腰顺肩来加长击打点,以发挥“长一寸强一寸”的优势。套路动作数量和趟数一般较多,长拳中也间或使用 短拳,但整套动作是以长击动作为主。长拳的基本技法规律包括:顶头竖脊,舒肢紧指(趾);形合力顺,动迅静定;以眼传神,以气助势; 阴阳相依,相辅相衬。另外,古时太极拳的别称。

新中国成立后,国家体委把流传广泛的查、 华、炮、洪、弹腿、少林等拳种,根据其风格特点,综合整理创编了一种长拳。现代新编长拳吸取了诸拳种之长,把手型、手法、步型、步法、腿法、平衡、跳跃等 基本动作规格化,按照长拳运动方法编成包括窜、蹦、跳、跃、闪、展、腾、挪和起伏转折在内的各种拳械套路,使之成为基础武术训练和全国武术表演比赛项目。 长拳内容包括基本功、单练套路、对练套路。单练套路分为两种:(一)规定套路:国家体委统一制定,分为甲组、乙组、丙组(初级)。每组均有长拳、刀术、剑 术、枪术、棍术五种套路,每个套路是由不同难度和数量的规定动作组成。(二)自选套路:武术竞赛规则对自选套路的动作数量、组别、规格、完成套路时间都有 统一的要求,如内容至少包括拳、掌、勾三种手型;弓、马、仆、虚、歇五种步型和一定数量的拳法、掌法、肘法和不同组别的腿法及平衡、跳跃等动作。长拳的手 法主要有冲、劈、崩、贯、砸等拳法,推、挑、撩、劈、砍等掌法,顶、盘、格等肘法,腿法主要有弹、蹬、踹、点、铲、踢、里合、外摆、拍、扫等,还有各种摔 法、拿法、跳跃、平衡等


